Dear Jeeves Members,
We are excited to announce that the sales of our Gift Vouchers for members only have been extended until the 28th of February 2025. Hurry and make a purchase while stocks last, as JEEVES will not extend the sales further and will have a new member-exclusive promotion in March 2025.
Thank you for your patronage and support. We look forward to serving you again soon.
親愛的 JEEVES 尊貴會員,
請把握 最後 機會,在推出3月會員專屬優惠前,趕快購買我們的限量現金劵!(此優惠將不會延長)
感謝 閣下一直以來對我們的支持和愛戴。我們期待再次為您服務。
Terms and conditions apply 受條款及細則約束