Good day!
Below FCL spot rate ex SHEKOU & NANSHA to AUSTRALIA ports for your ref, thanks for your support!
EX SHEKOU (direct CA2 svc)
POD: Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane
Rate: USD450/1000/1000, INCL BK, plus all local surcharges both ends
*valid from 24thFeb2025 to 6thMar2025 (B/L on-board date) – for CA22508S only
*subject to space & equipment available
EX NANSHA (direct CA2 svc)
POD: Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane
Rate: USD450/1000/1000, INCL BK, plus all local surcharges both ends
*valid from 24thFeb2025 to 6thMar2025 (B/L on-board date) – for CA22508S only
*subject to space & equipment available
Above rate is applied for general cargo.
Above rate is subject to both sides local charges.
Best regards!
Philip Lam
RS Logistics Limited – Hong Kong
Overseas Development Department – Overseas Development Manager
Tel (HKG) : (852) 3187 3018
Tel (CHN) : (86 755) 2519 8243
HKG Mobile : (852) 98361101
Fax (HKG) : (852) 2121 8097
E-mail :
Website :
Skype : philiplamhk
Whatsapp : 852 98361101
Wechat : philiplampc |